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New Front of "Carbon" Pathfinder Mass Transit Group and New Gonow​ Group in Action
Published on: 2022.11.12

In the afternoon of November 11, the signing ceremony of strategic cooperation between Mass Transit (Group) Corporation and Zhejiang New Geo Holding Group Co. Both parties announced that they will carry out all-round strategic cooperation in many fields such as product demand, strategic investment and financial business.

Ye Yuanan, partner of Ernst & Young Hua Ming, attended the signing ceremony. Yang Guoping, Chairman of Mass Transit Group, and the Chairman of New Geo Group delivered speeches and signed the strategic cooperation agreement respectively.

Yang Guoping said that the two companies are highly complementary and have the same strategic deployment in the Yangtze River Delta, especially in Shanghai, and have a wide range of cooperation in the fields of products, market and capital operation, especially in the field of new energy urban logistics and distribution vehicles and high-end touring caravans, which have a high degree of fit with the business of Mass Transit Group.

Mr. Miao Xuezhong said that Volkswagen Public Group and Volkswagen Transportation Group are the first joint-stock companies listed in the early and pilot development of Pudong, with a long history and strong strength, and strong genes of mutual empowerment in many businesses of traffic and transportation, logistics and transportation, and auto finance. At present, New Gonow Group is in a critical period of industrial transformation and upgrading, strengthening regional linkage, promoting industrial integration and achieving complementary advantages are of great significance to the long-term development of the enterprise. He hopes that both sides will take this signing as an opportunity and starting point to speed up the cooperation and move forward to a wider field, deeper level and higher level to achieve common development and become a green development 'carbon' pathfinder together.

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