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Group Held Thematic Conference to Inherit “3·18” Spirit
Published on: 2024.04.24

On March 18, the Group held ceremoniously the thematic conference of Inheriting 3·18 Spirit of Hard Work and Entrepreneurship. Nearly 200 leaders and employees from the headquarter and bases attended it respectively in online or offline way.


The conference began in forms of videos with 3·18 theme and the review. The 3·18 spirit was divided into four parts, namely: Innovative Spirit with pioneering, positive features; Team Spirit of unity and hard work; Selfless Spirit of loving the Group as home and Dedication Spirit to bear hardships, and announced to be implemented in the conference.


The new and old employee representatives from bases spoke one after another. They shared their growth in the Group, and expressed their deep understandings and firm beliefs about the 3·18 Spirit through personal experience and sent their blessings for the future of the Group.

Meanwhile, the latest version of promotional video of the Group was released in the conference, so did the Group song.


At the end, Chairman Miao made a concluding statement, and expressed his heartfelt thanks to all the employees for their loyal dedication and hard work. Mr. Miao said the Group will make effort to the goal of being an international company in the next 20 years, not only going out, but participating in and developing upward, and to find Groups unique development path so as to make the group and also the employees be respected.

Mr. Miao also sent words to all employees: the first is to set good examples and goals for yourselves, to spur you to work hard; the second is to build the fighting spirit; the third is to persist in what you do; and the last is to integrate knowledge and action. Ten thousand steps a day, a book a month, Mr. Miao also said.

In addition, collective oath of 3·18 spirit was also held in the conference.