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Li Xiangyu, Secretary of Shangqiu Municipal Party Committee, went deep into Jishang Vehicle Company for research and guidance
Published on: 2024.09.11

Li Xiangyu, Secretary of the Shangqiu Municipal Party Committee, conducted an in-depth research and guidance visit to Jishang Automobile Company, a subsidiary of New Gonow Group, on September 9th. Accompanied by Wang Jinqi, Member of the Standing Committee of the Shangqiu Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee Secretariat, Zhang Feng, Secretary of the Demonstration Area Party Working Committee and Director of the Management Committee, as well as Deputy Secretary and Director of the Management Committee of the Henan Shangqiu Industrial Development Zone, the delegation visited the Shangqiu base of New Gonow Group. Li Feng, Senior Vice President of the Group, Chen Jun, Assistant President of the Group, and relevant responsible persons from the Shangqiu base accompanied the delegation throughout the visit.

1.pngPhoto: Li Xiangyu, Secretary of the Shangqiu Municipal Party Committee, and his delegation arrived at the Shangqiu base.

During the inspection, the delegation first visited the R&D building of Jishang Automobile and watched a corporate promotional video of New Gonow Group. Through the explanation of Li Feng, Senior Vice President of the Group, Li Xiangyu gained a comprehensive understanding of the Group's development journey. Subsequently, guided by Chen Jun, Assistant President of the Group, Li Xiangyu and his delegation entered the RV exhibition area, where they not only intuitively experienced the diversity of RV products manufactured at the Shangqiu factory but also stepped inside the vehicles to experience their unique designs and high-end configurations. Li Xiangyu expressed his appreciation for Jishang Automobile's leading position and core competitiveness in the RV segment market.

2.pngPhoto: Jishang Automobile Exhibition Hall at the Shangqiu base.

In the production workshop, the responsible person from the Shangqiu base showcased the base's achievements in automation, informatization, and intellectualization, detailing the efficient operation mode and advanced equipment of the production line. Li Xiangyu highly praised the modern production capacity and management level of the Shangqiu base.

3.pngPhoto: Automated production line at the Shangqiu base.

After the inspection, Li Xiangyu affirmed the development achievements of Jishang Automobile and the Shangqiu base, emphasizing the company's significant role in promoting regional economic development. He clearly stated that the municipal party committee and government would continue to fully support the development of Jishang Automobile, hoping that the company could further enhance production efficiency, optimize product quality, strengthen cooperation with tourism and other related departments, and leverage New Gonow Group's full-ecosystem development model in the RV sector to further expand the market and make greater contributions to the economic development of Shangqiu and even Henan Province.

4.pngPhoto: Aerial view of the Shangqiu base.

As a subsidiary of the Longcui RV brand under New Gonow Group, the Shangqiu base of Jishang Automobile is not only the largest professional RV production and intelligent manufacturing base in Asia but also a comprehensive RV industrial base integrating RV R&D, intelligent manufacturing, exhibition and sales, and Internet operations. In recent years, relying on its profound experience and continuous innovation in the RV sector, Jishang Automobile has successfully launched several market-influential products and achieved remarkable results in the construction of supporting facilities such as RV campsites, injecting new vitality into the local economy.

This inspection not only deepened communication and understanding between the government and the enterprise but also solidified confidence in the future development of Jishang Automobile. Jishang Automobile will seize this opportunity to continuously improve its strength and market competitiveness, making greater contributions to the development of the RV industry and local economic prosperity.