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Travel trailer
Motorhome RV
New Energy Commercial Vehicle
Free Wind
cloud tour
Rongcui Series
Dorphin Series
Free Wind
cloud tour
Rongcui Series
Dorphin Series
The Group solemnly held the 2023 annual work conference and 2022 annual commendation conference
Published on: 2023.02.04

On February 4, the Group held the 2023 annual work conference and 2022 annual commendation meeting in Zhejiang Tongxiang Zhenshi Hotel. The leaders of the group and each business division, outstanding teams and outstanding individuals, backbone staff of each business division and staff representatives nearly 300 people attended.

In the morning of the 4th, a unique symposium was held first, in which the leaders of the group and the heads of each business division and more than 50 outstanding employees gathered together, opened their hearts and communicated frankly. The atmosphere was warm and joyful. Mr. Miao sent the award-winning staff to learn to be grateful and integrate into the team; to learn to cherish and remember the original intention; to learn to pass on and drive the team to make progress together.

At 13:30 pm, the meeting officially started. The participants first watched the video review of the major events of the Group in 2022, and once again felt the remarkable performance achieved by the Group in overcoming many difficulties under the severe situation, seeking opportunities in crisis and moving forward steadily.

Mr. Miao Xuezhong, Chairman of the Group, made a summary of 2022 and the work plan of 2023 to the conference. In his report, Mr. Miao pointed out that 2022 was destined to be an extraordinary year. In the face of challenges, the Group insisted on the "double engine" strategy, and its operation index far exceeded the industry level and further increased its market share. The RV international and Australia companies made efforts on two fronts, continuously expanding the layout of production lines, optimizing product technology, improving technical technology, increasing R&D efforts and expanding marketing channels, further demonstrating the "dual brand" effect, helping the export business reach new heights and increasing the market share of Australia to the second place. At the same time, the EV segment has started the layout of the export business and is expected to open up in 2023. The brand promotion is wonderful, and the strength has won numerous praises. The appearance at the Fair attracted widespread attention, and special activities such as "Journey to the West" and "On the Road" attracted widespread industry attention and received good publicity effects.

In addition, the cooperation camp continues to expand and resource integration bears fruit again. Motan Technology precisely solves the pain points of the industry and seizes the strategic high ground. Digital transformation continues to advance. Australia base was launched at the end of the year to achieve full coverage of the Group. Science and technology innovation activated new momentum of development. 9.27 Innovation Month promoted the normalization of the Group's innovation development. The integration of research, production, supply, marketing and service, and independent operation continued to deepen. The whole industry chain development model was improved continuously, setting an industry benchmark and highly recognized by the industry, which was elaborated in the Blue Book of China Automobile Industry Development. Lean management continues to deepen, party building leads many measures, and employee care is put into practice.

In 2022, we also won many honors, such as "Top Ten New Enterprises in Tongxiang Development Zone", the first batch of waste-free factories in Taizhou City, the list of provincial emergency medical supply enterprises in Zhejiang Province, and the testing center successfully passed the CNAS on-site review, etc.

At the same time, Mr. Miao also pointed out the existing problems: unbalanced output per capita among bases, exhibition efficiency still needs to be improved, the marketing channels are not strong to expand the sense of innovation, etc.

In the report, Mr. Miao elaborated the operation target and management policy in 2023.

In 2023, we will continue to improve the industrial chain, optimize the supply chain, enrich the product matrix, broaden the marketing channels and strengthen the brand promotion. To guide the development with "three major concepts", namely: planning for the long term and striving for the first place, innovation and development and seeking breakthroughs, facing the problems and grasping the implementation; "318 spirit" of "dare to innovate, dare to attack, dare to take charge and dare to be the first". " to build a firm ideological position of the cadres and staff; make every effort to grasp the "five measures" of "doing specialized services to save strength, doing fine products for development, doing excellent channels to expand the scale, doing a large platform to promote win-win, and doing a strong brand to attract resources"; with The "short, flat, fast, stable, hard, accurate" action policy to ensure the execution, namely: short capital market investment cycle, short capital turnover cycle; flat management; fast to fast, fast to promote the global strategic layout, occupy the international market; stable work and stable production, stable and real; accurate pulse: no one has, I have, I have excellent, excellent I fine; sink The company has been sinking to the front line, facing the problems head-on.

At the meeting, Mr. Miao elaborated the details of the Group's five-year plan, namely

One vision: "First-class service provider of the whole value chain of China's automotive market segments".

Dual engine drive: the first in production and sales scale of travel caravans; the top three in the new energy commercial vehicle industry.

Three platforms: build an industrial capital platform; operate an internet OTA operation platform for RV travel; expand the financial leasing and finance service platform for the automotive aftermarket.

Four major areas of improvement: product development capacity enhancement, marketing capacity enhancement, customer service capacity enhancement, and business quality capacity enhancement.

Five goals: capitalization of industry, scale of production and marketing, independence of operation, intelligence of R&D, and specialization of talents

At the end of the report, Mr. Miao sent a message to the participants that performance is made and miracles are done. We have achieved remarkable results in the difficult year of 2022; we have reasons and confidence to do better in the face of all the advantages and offers in 2023. Mr. Miao stressed that all cadres and employees of the Group should have courage, work hard and achieve new breakthroughs to help the Group achieve its five-year strategic plan, realize the Group's annual output value of more than 10 billion, be listed in the list of top 500 automobiles in Zhejiang in 2023, and become "the strength of China's private automobile enterprises".

Each business division made a statement on the business objectives in 2023 and elaborated specific measures.

        Each operating entity signed a responsibility agreement with the Group


        The General Assembly honored the outstanding team and outstanding individuals in 2022.

In his concluding speech, Mr. Miao expressed his gratitude for the efforts made by all the family members in the past year. In order to successfully guarantee the successful achievement of the business goals in 2023, he put forward three requirements: First, we should look up to the stars and be on the ground. Secondly, to unite knowledge and action, and to stop at the best. Third, collaborative development and common progress. Mr. Miao once again called on all cadres and staff to have firm confidence, make progress, win respect with strength, and live up to the times and mission.

After the meeting, an appreciation dinner was held; each base made up their own creative programs, making the dinner wonderful.

At the beginning of the dinner, the outstanding employees entered in the applause of all the attendees

A congratulatory message from the Australian base

Lucky draw session

The program performance is wonderful

Warm moment: invite some employees' families to the site

The road of the journey is windy, and the heavy responsibility of a thousand hoofs. In 2023, we believe that all the new Georgians will be able to set sail and push the business to the next level under the combined efforts of the Chairman and all the leaders of the Group!